Saturday, March 23, 2013

What On Earth Are You Doing Here?

What on earth am I doing? That is a question that I continually find myself asking. Have you ever pondered the question? Sure, when we find ourselves in a place we never intended to be, it is ususally the first question that pops into our heads. What about when we wake in the morning? Do we start off our day asking that very same question? What is our response? Do we know what our duties are for the day? In a few instances I have found myself asking this question of myself. "Am I even making a difference here?" "Is this the right course of action to take?" "What on earth am I doing?"
I am sure that the people of God must have been asking the very same question as they made their way to the Promised Land. Sure, they were traveling every day, sometimes for extended periods of time in the scorching heat of the desert, but where could they turn for purpose? Who could they look to for meaning? What on earth were they doing wandering in the scorching hot desert? I'm sure when we are doing the same thing day after day, many of us could ask that very question. One thing that I've learned is that regardless the activity or task at hand, if God has ordained it, and if you have been called to are making a difference. We are accustomed to gauging our effectiveness on our own worldviews and our own needs. This, however, is not how the people we are helping are gauging our efforts. Sometimes simply having lunch with someone may be just what they need. Here, I will quote the old proverb "our actions speak louder than words". 
 God knew that in order to get the Israelites to the Promised Land, not only would they need guidance, but they would also need purpose and meaning in their voyage. He knew this of them, and moreso, He provided it for them in great detail, down to every person in every family for each tribe. 
In like manner, I am here on a journey. Like the ancient Israelites, I do not know what it looks like exactly-but I have a promise from God. He has brought me thus far, and each day He gives me a purpose and meaning for the journey that I am traveling. Whether I am visiting a family, taking a Spanish class or ministering to youth, I have a purpose here. So what on earth am I doing? Listening to my Father's voice as I continue on to the Promised Land. With that I will leave you, the reader, with a question...
What on earth are you doing here? What has God called you to?   


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